Technology Benefits
Plasma Enhanced Gasification system
Process variety of wastes “as received”- no presorting, preparation or size reduction...
Catalytic Alcohol Syntheis Process (CASS)
The alcohol produced is through thermo chemical route and is highly cost effective...
Who we are
Alchemy Enersol International Pvt Ltd is a technology company in Waste to Energy Sector incorporated in New Delhi India and is a JV partner of Enersol Technologies, USA Plasma Enhanced Gasification System (PEGS®) is the proprietary technology of Enersol Technologies, USA(
We offer innovative solutions with PEGS® to process variety of wastes like MSW, RDF, biomass of any kind, industrial wastes (both hazardous and non-hazardous), Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) or biomedical waste, Petcoke etc, to produce clean syngas with ZERO environmental pollution and ZERO landfill solution.
Using wastes as feedstock and PEGS as the front end we offer integrated solutions to produce power and alternate fuels. We can provide end to end solution with technology tie-ups with global players to produce ethanol, methanol, mixed alcohol, hydrogen, Dimethyl Ether (DME), etc.
What we offer
We offer integrated solution to convert variety of waste streams like Municpal Solid Waste (MSW), all types of biomass, industrial waste, Regulated Medical Waste (RMW or bio medical waste, Petcoke, Hazardous waste. We provide customised solution to meet the customer requirement to use waste as a feedstock and convert it into ultraclean syngas using Enersol's Patented Plasma Enhanced Gasification System (PEGS®). The syngas is directly used in Gas engine to produce power for supply to the grid. By combining PEGS® with Catalytic Alcohol Synthesis System (CASS), with their patented catalyst and alcohol synthesis process we produce mixed alcohol ( Fuel grade ethanol meeting the BIS specification for blending with petrol,AA grade methanol and other higher alcohols), Di Methyl Ether (DME), Hydrogen and other value added chemicals. More details.....
US Department of Defence (Army) "
a. The Plasma Energy Pyrolysis System (PEPS') destroys hazardous and toxic wastes producing benign by products. The PEPS® unit has been thoroughly tested and
(1) has clearly demonstrated its ability to destroy highly toxic waste
(2) the process emissions testing by independent labs have demonstrated the superior environmental performance of the technology.
b. The Plasma-Enhanced Gasification System (PEGS®) converts a variety of domestic feedstock into a clean gas that is suitable for the production of renewable energy: power, liquid fuels and hydrogen. PEGS® Pilot units built and tested under the DOD/DOE Clean Fuels Program have demonstrated that the process:
(1) maintains steady operations under varying conditions and gasify several feedstocks: petroleum coke, biomass and MSW/RDF.
(2) generates high quality syngas suitable for efficient energy recovery.
COVANTA ENERGY Corporation , New Jersey
In 2008, Covanta established a strategic partnership with EnerSol Technologies, Inc., (EnerSol) of Springfield, Virginia. EnerSol's Plasma-Enhanced Gasification System (PEGS®) converts a variety of waste feedstocks into a clean synthesis gas (syngas) that is suitable for the production of a variety of renewable energy products, including electricity, liquid fuels and hydrogen. Over a two-year period, Covanta reviewed over 200 advanced thermal conversion technologies around the globe before deciding to work with EnerSol based upon their novel application of commercially-proven technology platforms.
PEGS employs a staged gasification approach. The process combines a commercially-proven, proprietary vibratory hearth mechanism to process feedstock and generate syngas with plasma to enhance the gas conversion at very high temperatures and with minimal heat input. Attempts at plasma gasification around the globe have encountered a myriad of problems related to feed handling and downstream gas cleaning equipment. EnerSol's innovative approach overcomes the technological barriers to commercial implementation of plasma-based gasification.
Inova Hospitals, Virginia
After reviewing several technologies, Inova selected Enersol's Plasma Energy Gasification System (PEGS) due to its ability to handle a variety of waste generated by [nova: Municipal Solid Waste, Regulated Medical Waste and Hazardous Waste. Inova selected the PEGS solution offered by Enersol after an exhaustive study and review by a highly competent technical committee. The committee also noted that PEGS® has been demonstrated and independently validated on U.S. Army projects and selected as "Best-in Class" by the industry leader in waste-to-energy (WTE).
Greenleaf Waste Solutions LLC, Texas "
“We are very excited to be working with EnerSol Technologies, Inc. to provide the PEGS facility equipment, and showcase the technology as “next generation alternative to incineration”.
Technology Benefits

Plasma Enhanced Gasification system
- Process variety of wastes “as received”- no presorting, preparation or size reduction -lower capital and maintenance costs
- Increased power production / efficiency – 15 to 20% more power per ton of waste
- Destruction of 99.99999% of hazardous components- only technology to achieve this per US EPA standards
- Zero Landfill - Bottom ash/rejects are converted into toxic free non-leachable vitrified slag that can be reused as construction products.

Catalytic Alcohol Syntheis Process (CASS)
The syngas produced by PEGS® plant is further compressed and processed in the Catalytic Alcohol Syntheis System (CASS) with WRI’s patented catalyst and process to produce mixed alcohol that is predominantly ethanol. The alcohols are then further separated into fuel grade ethanol, AA grade methanol and industry grade propanol for selling as separate products. The mixed alcohol without separation is also suitable for blending with petrol as a premium high-octane blend.
- We can handle unsegregated Municipal waste
- We produce more energy and/or energy product per ton waste compared to the competition
- We ensure ZERO environmrntal pollution and ZERO Landfill.
- Highly profitable for investors and project owners.
- We can produce multiple products froom same waste stream depending on the market demand with minimal switching cost
- Our solution needs less land compared to the competition.
- Technology development funded by US Department of Defence and Department of Energy under claen fuel program .
- Technology validated by third party certification under the technical oversight of US DoD and DoE.
- Commmercial size plants under implementation in US.

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Our Address
Alchemy Enersol International Private Limited, New Delhi.
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+91 9871183886
+91 9315173168